To develop capability in applying various tools and techniques in procurement and contract management. The workshop will benefit those responsible for managing complex procurement and contracts that are high value and high risk. The program is designed for our participants to develop further their understanding of procurement and contract management as well as audit and monitoring. The training program will be led by an experienced facilitator and include case studies, presentations, and discussions.
This course is designed to strengthen the effectiveness of the procurement audit and supervision functions in procurement activities. The purpose of the course is to dive deep into the procurement audit process.
The course covers the objectives of procurement audit and monitoring. The hands-on sessions help participants. Understand procurement audit reporting and recommendations. It will discuss and cover several tools to monitor and audit procurement. It will cover critical points in the cycle of goods, works and services procurement and contract management. The facilitators will walk through best practices.
Professionals from the World Bank’s procurement, finance, contract management, legal and dispute management departments, and various Bilateral and Multilateral funded projects.
The goal of an effective public procurement process is to ensure contracts are awarded fairly per legal and regulatory provisions. The key learning outcomes are:
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