Surveys, Research and Evaluation

We design cost-effective, customized data measurement and data collection strategies. We design questionnaires, conduct surveys, data analysis and data analytics.  We facilitate focus groups, workshops, pre-and post-tests, interviews, observations of program operation, etc. We also help our clients with knowledge management.
We have conducted research and surveys and facilitated such focus groups in-person and virtually in over 15 North America, Africa and Asia countries.

Why us?

  • Research Methodology
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Data based Decisioning
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Analytics
  • Design Thinking
  • Leadership and Critical Thinking

Market Surveys and Research

We provide end-to-end market surveys and research to enable our clients to make efficient data-driven decision-making. With our data partner company, we offer a single, unified solution for consumer engagement, understanding, advanced analysis, and reporting.

Our Team

  • Nwamaka Agbakoba
  • Nripa Devkota
  • Dr. Laxmi Acharya
  • Dr. Padma Karunaratne
  • Suzana Kasakar
  • Nawshin Nawar

Our Experience

Status of Women in the Banking Sector across South Asia

Past Experience in Market Research

Status of Women in the Banking Sector across South Asia

We are conducting a diagnostic exercise to understand the status of women in the banking sector in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka in partnership with Dalberg and Light Castle. The IFC-funded project conducts surveys, KII, and FGDs and prepares a report.

Supported by IFC


Conectiv Cities: Tourism Recovery Efforts by Local Municipalities

Past Experience in Market Research

Conectiv Cities: Tourism Recovery Efforts by Local Municipalities

The objective of the proposed activity was to support municipal governments in selected countries to work towards the recovery of their tourism sectors. Using an online platform provided local authorities with the knowledge and networks to restart their visitor economies, with possible investments in infrastructure by leveraging the private sector and focusing on services that support sustainable destinations. We paid attention to maximizing economic inclusion for local communities, women, and SMEs while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and building resilience to the effects of climate change.
IDI prepared a team of enumerators and focus group leads in Nepal, Romania, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Uganda. A report was compiled and hosted online forums for local municipality officers to share their experiences.

Supported by GIZ

Digital Solutions to Pandemic Management and Procurement

Past Experience in Market Research

Digital Solutions to Pandemic Management and Procurement

IDI developed eight learning modules and digital solutions for the pandemic and procurement. We studied solutions in Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, South Korea and Canada. We also interviewed key stakeholders from these countries. The solutions are to educate and prepare healthcare and procurement professionals to better prepare for any future pandemic.

Supported by: The World Bank

TVET Sector Analysis for Nepal- Baseline Survey

Past Experience in Market Research

TVET Sector Analysis for Nepal- Baseline Survey

IDI conducted data collection and analysis of the TVET supply side, underpinning the strategic TVET Sector Reform Plan (TSRP) drafting. The specific objective of the program was to strengthen and implement more effective policy in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, responsive to labor market needs. The program piloted an integrated Public Private Partnership approach.
IDI's research team reviewed and analyzed the data and prepared the questionnaire and inception report. We trained and prepared many enumerators to conduct surveys in seven provinces in the remotely directed field survey. We collected the latest documents and statistical data, interviewed the parties concerned, hosted the provincial workshops to analyze the current situation and extracted the issues. The report was submitted to the Government of Nepal.

Supported by British Council



6564 Loisdale Ct. Suite 600, Springfield, VA 22150



M8MG+5J, UN Park Lane,

Lalitpur 44600, Nepal




Suite C3, Broadway Mall, Behind Kaura Market, Kaura District, Abuja, Nigeria